Welcome! My goal is to aid people in creating sustainable lives, both economically and ecologically. People will make changes for varying reasons; some to save money, others to preserve our Earth. When these two reasons can come together and attain the same goal, this makes for sustainable living on a broad scale and benefits us all. Read on for a variety of lifestyle tips, product choices and projects that lead to sustainable living.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Home Made It: Room Freshening Sprays

It may be the season for open windows and letting the fresh air in, but it is also not always fresh. It is hot out, which means things that smell bad in the home smell bad faster. Litter box, kitchen compost collector, you name it. Sometimes you cannot clear the air fast enough. Thus brings me to this post: home made room fresheners.

These are fast, affordable and couldn't be any easier. Plus you only need three things, and you probably already have at least two of them.

  • 3oz spray bottle (check the travel section)
  • Your choice of essential oil(s)
  • Water (tap water is fine to use)
How to make:
  1. Choose an oil, or a combination of oils, to use. I purchased Aura Cacia oils and their packaging gave me an idea of what to use. I also searched on the internet for other combinations. Or just experiment on your own if you are good at that. Once chosen, place around 20 drops of oil (equal number if using multiple scents) into the spray bottle.
  2. Next fill the rest of the bottle with cool water.
  3. Spray, spray, spray! If the bottle has been sitting a while since it's last use, give it a light shake before spraying.
I am pretty scent sensitive myself, but I find I can spray these like crazy with no adverse effects to my breathing. I made three different scents for various rooms of my apartment: Lavender (relaxing, bedroom), Sweet Orange and Lavender (relaxing and fresh, living room), and Sweet Orange and Eucalyptus (freshening, bathroom).

Some essential oils can be pricey, and maybe the pricey ones are the best, but I don't have that kind of money and it would take away from the "saving money" factor. I found mine in local drugstores and I also found good deals online (amazon.com) where you have a lot of options. Shop around for the best deal. Happy spraying!