Welcome! My goal is to aid people in creating sustainable lives, both economically and ecologically. People will make changes for varying reasons; some to save money, others to preserve our Earth. When these two reasons can come together and attain the same goal, this makes for sustainable living on a broad scale and benefits us all. Read on for a variety of lifestyle tips, product choices and projects that lead to sustainable living.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Freezerphile: Citrus zests and juices

Hello again! I took a hiatus for July and most of August. Summer has been busy. Filled with studying for and passing my board exam, becoming a licensed RN, and getting my first job as a nurse. Now that I've accomplished all of that, I have no more excuses. I have built up an arsenal of new sustainable ideas to share and I am so excited. To start off let's go straight to the ever-useful freezer!
As you may have guessed, I don't like to waste food, or even parts of food. So, when I have a recipe that calls for 1 tablespoon of lime zest and I find myself with 2 more tablespoons of lime zest and the juice of the lime, you better believe that isn't getting thrown out. My favorite solution is my freezer.
All you will need for freezing your zests and juices is a zester, a knife, and a small strainer. And of course an ice cube tray.

Simply zest your fruit until it is nice and bare and you have a good pile of fresh zest.

Add the zest in measured amounts to the individual compartments of your tray. Pick a measurement that you commonly use in your recipes. Next, add just enough water to cover your zest. No need to fill the entire compartment.

Cut the fruit in half and squeeze out the juice over a strainer, to catch any seeds or pulp. Add the juice to another compartment in the tray, but do not add water to this.

Et voila! As you can see, this works for lemons, as well as oranges or any other zestable fruit you choose. Just pop them in your freezer.
Once frozen, pop out the cubes and place in labeled containers or baggies. Or leave them in the tray. I just like freezing things and thus need my trays for future items often.
Happy zesting!